
Stacks Image 71

Photograph by: Simon Tanenbaum

When I was a kid, music was absolutely everything to me. I had some very encouraging early ‘successes’ and was building toward independently selling my recordings as downloads on my own / this web site, rather than be under contract to a record company or the like… It is said that men make plans, and god laughs. 😐 That was Plan A, and it almost worked...

Along the way I married, raised 2 kids, internet file sharing happened, music became free and Plan A hit the financial wall. In the day, there were few options to host your own web site and sell downloads, so I started a private tech company to do just that; (Good Media Inc), fast forward to today and as a recent “empty nester”, I can record music again at any time of day, without the need for corporate approval, with the need to sell it, or depend on the government to fund it. GoodMedia was Plan B, and it worked... 🙂

To this day I can still read and write quite fluently, in English and Music. 🎼

So then, where’s all my latest music ? Yeah, well… I’m working on it. I still have my recordings from the 1980s, but compared to when I started recording with magnetic tape, my current digital recording technology, while being absolutely awesome, is also a rabbit hole of infinite choices that changes with every software update. The sound quality of hallowed vintage recording tech that once cost a fortune, is now available to anyone with just an iPad, which has permanently changed everything about the music business. 👈🏼

Music, now basically free, still holds an intangible value for most. For me, it's a permanent side gig. 🙂

Scott Goodfellow, 2022
  • Joy ?; …cool cars & airplanes, writing & recording music, quality surround audio. 🎹 Joy ?
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  • My Dream Job ?;… Landing military jets on aircraft carriers.🛬 Dream Job
  • When I'm gone, I will ?;... not exist. So I really try to focus on the present moment; and as such I love all life, especially; chipmunks. 🐿 🙂 Existance ?